These dates are subject to change.
School Closed
The last day of school in Term 3 will be Friday 28th March. The first day back for Term 4 will be Monday 14th April.
School Closed
Trip to Inverness
The Primary 7 Trip to Inverness will take place on Thursday 24th April, leaving on the first ferry, and finishing on Friday 25th April, home...
Trip to Inverness
March/April/May TBC - Tchoukball Festival - P6-7 - 9.30am-12.30pm
Thursday 8th May - P1-2 Football Fun 4s Festival
Friday 16th or 23rd May - P...
Laxdale School
The annual Sports Week will take place week beginning Monday 19th May. The formal 'Sports Day' will take place on the Laxdale School pitch o...
Laxdale School
Laxdale School
Some P6/7 pupils will represent the school at the WIIGA School Sports on the Running Track on Friday 30th May. They will compete against oth...
Laxdale School